Since biblical times there have been people interested in controlling the minds of others. Forcing people to do things that they don't want to do or for that matter convincing people to do things to do things that they didn't previously want to do. In recent times, certainly as recent as World Wars I & II nations have perfected their abilities to influence the masses.
With the advent of Mass Media and the Internet people have only perfected this ability. We've been able to do research to learn about the brain. We've been able to examine structures in the brain such as the neocortex, basal ganglia and the limbic system. All this knowledge has increased our abilities to influence the thoughts of others in efforts to push our agendas. Sometimes these agendas are benevolent and other times they have been for neferious purposes.
I managed to find a 1976 Swine Flu commercial put out by the U.S. Government that was encouraging people to run out and get their vaccinations. It is interesting the use of the creepy music that is being played right at the time that some sort of dialogue takes place. Quite often it seems to be when someone is stating something to the effect of, 'I don't need to get a vaccination'.
Humans are very well versed at something in NLP we call Anchoring. Meaning we have the ability to associate emotional states with outside stimulus'. In psychology they call this a conditioned response which typically takes place over multiple exposures to a stimulus (though in NLP we can do this with just one exposure).
Make note of the, 'What if...' patterning in this footage. This clip does a very good job of illustrating 'universal' hypothetical scenarios that people are likely to engage in. In NLP we would call this a 'state elicitation'. See in order for you to make sense of anything that a person has to say you have to search through your memories for something similar so that you know what i'm talking about.
Say i'm talking about my dog. In order to make sense of what a dog is you would have to draw on some representation of what a dog looks like from your internal store house of experience. Most likely the dog that you are imagining will look nothing like the one that i'm imagining but that is a subject for another post.
There was a famous hypnotist by the name of Milton Erickson that discovered that if he could describe a scenario in great enough detail a person's body would respond in order to make sense of it. For example once Erickson had a child that was brought to him that constantly wet the bed. Nothing his parents could do would get him to stop.
They would wake him up to go, he'd still wet the bed. They would try to bribe him, he'd still wet the bed. They would punish him, still no dice. Etc... but you get the point. So they brought the boy into Erickson. He discovered that the boy loved football (I think off the top of my head that was the sport it was).
So Erickson began to tell the boy about how in football one has to tense their muscles and release them at the right time. And he continued to expound on this point about 'muscles tensing and releasing at the right time'. This was the extend of the work that Erickson did with the boy. He just told him vivid stories that he could make sense of with the message that he wanted to convey in it.
Here's my point when you view this clip take notice of these things.
1.) The responses of the characters PAIRED up with the creepy music in an effort to create an association.
2.) The hypothetical, 'what if...' scenarios designed to elicit universal experiences from the viewers so as to provide for a frame of reference for what they are attempting to do in step 1 along with embedding the message of, 'get a flu shot' just as Erickson did with the boy.